Sunday, November 22, 2020

Look upon the rainbow.πŸ’Ž

While praying Holy Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for Holy Souls today, God gifted us this awesome rainbow. In all it’s splendour letting us know that all is well, God is in control. We do not have to be.

God cannot be outdone in generosity, ever. Our hearts were lifted, warmed, knowing Holy Souls were enjoying some relief, a sign from above. 

They are totally dependent on us and can no longer merit Grace for themselves. While we live we can do much to help them. What a privilege, let us waste not one minute.

‘Look upon the rainbow and praise Him who made it, exceedingly beautiful in it’s brightness. It encircles the heavens with it’s glorious arc; the Hands of the Most High have stretched it out’.             (Ecclesiasticus 43:11)

The rainbow is a promise that God will never judge the earth again with a worldwide flood. He assured Noah that “never again would the waters become a flood to destroy all life”. (Genesis 9:15)

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