Saturday, November 7, 2020

Seven sorrows of Mother Mary.🌿


The Seven Sorrows of our Blessed Mother.

1) Prophesy of Simeon.

2)  Flight into Egypt.

3)  Loss of the Child Jesus in the temple.

4)  Mary’s meeting Jesus on the Via Dolorosa.

5)  Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary.

6)  Dead Body of Christ in the arms of His Mother.

7)  Burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea.

As I pray one Hail Mary while meditating on each sorrow, something glorious is happening, Mother Mary is becoming more real in a way I have not witnessed before. God’s Amazing Grace. 

Mother Mary obtains many graces and blessings on our behalf when we contemplate Her terrible sorrows patiently borne, believing with all Her beautiful heart that God is in control and all is as it should be. 

At first it may seem long and arduous but dive in and see what I mean. You will be pleasantly surprised, and forever changed in the school of Mary, our Beautiful Mother.

Mother Mary, Queen of peace. Keep our troubled mind at ease. Amen

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