Sunday, April 11, 2021

Divine Mercy Sunday.☀️

I was certain I had parked it forever, accepting the way things were, even though deep down in my deepest spirit a terrible unrest simmered over the whole sorry saga. We were bosom buddies once, now we barely speak. This morning the whole thing resurfaced, ambushing my peace of mind catapulting me right back to the very beginning. As I laid there in anguish, out of the blue (or should I say black!), dazzling realisation dawned on me,: ‘Today is Divine Mercy’. 

I sat upright and like I was on the outside looking in, found myself texting my friend: ‘Divine Mercy Sunday, I am sorry for any hurt I caused you. I leave it all at the Foot of the Holy Cross of Jesus. I hope you can forgive me’.  ‘Send it when you are in Church’, I heard in my deepest spirit. Jesus knows my favourite place in the whole world is facing Holy Tabernacle, sitting at the Feet of Christ

Wisdom from on High, glorious freedom that can only come from God. Ruminating over, closure with a capital C, out of my hands.

I will not hoard it in my heart, this powerful Grace I undeservedly received from God, I pass it on and on and if only one other person finds rest for their soul, as I did this morning, then my living will not be in vain.

Walking to Church I meet Con. He finds the Rosary too long - ‘It would drive me mad’, he says. An inspiration was sparked; ‘Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, repeat many times.  “Jesus I trust in You”. Walking away from me smiling, he uttered ‘Yea, I can do that’. 

Let us not miss one moment of today, Divine Mercy Sunday. Magnificent Gift from Jesus to Saint Faustina for all of us. We are being showered with torrents of Graces and Blessings, our big chance to wipe the slate clean and begin again. 

When tomorrow comes and today is past, let us always remember and never forget that God’s Mercy and Love are never past.

‘My daughter, let your heart be filled with joy. I, the Lord, am with you. Fear nothing. You are in my heart’. (Jesus to St. Faustina: 1133:Notebook 111).

Before the clock struck 12 o’clock midnight, my friend called me up and told me: ‘I am sorry for any hurt I caused you too’. 

‘Our nothingness and our misery are drowned in Your greatness. O infinite goodness, who can ever praise you sufficiently?’. (St. Faustina:361)

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