Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Holy reminders.☀️


Like St. Faustina - ‘My happiest moments are when I am alone with my Lord’. Today is my day to be Sacristan and as always, I am engulfed in gratitude for such a sublime assignment from God’s Holy Hands. Peace and quiet in our silent Church at this early hour, staggering, easy to imagine that no other place on earth exists. Setting up Holy Alter for Holy Mass in this sacrosanct haven, loftiest of privileges, all else pale into insignificance. 

As I kneel in prayer, beautiful memory from days long gone is sparked, fanning the flames of my joyful childhood. Holy reminder from Gracious Holy Spirit, one thing renews another.

Oftentimes, as a young child, hearing Dad and Mom downstairs chatting very early in the morning. I would creep out of my cozy bed, feet barely touching the lino for fear of waking my sleeping siblings, and have tea with my Dad. Soon, he would be heading out to sea, fishing for lobster in ‘Star of the sea’, his black and blue boat named after Mother Mary. Long gruelling day ahead.

That morsel of time with my Dad at cockcrow more precious than gold. Novel feeling of being the only one awake while my siblings slept soundly. New day untouched, pristine. Mom’s homemade bread.

Safe and secure way back then with my loving parents like I was the only child in our home. Safe and secure this morning in our Church like I was the only child of God. The great transcendentals, truth, beauty and goodness, they alone satisfy our thirst, Anything less leaves us empty, parched.

‘The terrible thing about all Divine truth is it’s simplicity and yet how curious it is that this very simplicity makes it so unacceptable to the wise and proud and the sophisticated’.                                                (Father Ciszek 1984)  

This morning, 8/11/2021, Jim is over the moon and feeling extra special. He got here before all other cats. Jim gets to dine alone, just like he’s the only cat in our terrace.🐈😀

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