Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Come Home....๐ŸŒน

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, our Lord and Saviour on the Holy Alter has the complete tool-kit. Everything we could ever need or want is in Jesus, He yearns to lighten our burden. We, on the other hand, go our own solitary way, weighed down, distracted, trying to figure it out, all by ourselves.

We pour out our dilemmas to one other, whining on and on, trying to make sense of it all. Sadly, oftentimes we take leave of one another, limping, worse by far than how we were before we opened our mouths. We are hanging on to folk who are falling too, akin to walking along an icy patch of ground, no support, no security, no resolution. All the time ignoring Jesus, the real problem solver.

‘Will people ever understand that God is their life-giving sun, the Great Enchanter of all their days, the unique goal of their existence?’ (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis-He and I)

How is it so difficult to sit at The Lamb’s feet, there to find rest and peace for our souls....We can not plead ‘ignorance’, we know only too well the goodness of God. One year ago, at the beginning of Lockdown, it seemed like many would turn to God for solace, many would come home. Alack and alas this does not seem to be the case. What will it take for the scales to fall from our eyes.....I shudder to think....

‘The most powerful thing we can do on this earth with our time is to spend it in Eucharistic Adoration. We cannot spend time in the rays of His Eucharistic Presence without receiving His Grace, His Love, His Mercy, His Peace. As we gaze upon Jesus, face to face, we are transformed little by little into a closer reflection of His Divine Image’. (Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration)

‘Il est la’ - ‘He is here’ - the Cure D’ars would say as he pointed to the Holy Tabernacle. For his last homily, he no longer had the strength to speak. He turned towards the Holy Tabernacle and wept tears of love. The last message he left his parishioners in Ars - ‘Il est la’ - ‘Jesus is here’.

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