Sunday, June 7, 2020

St. Martin De Porres.

Great excitement the day St. Martin De Porres arrived in our little humble home, in the sunny long ago, He was placed on the window and right next to him, a wooden box. Our spare coins would go in there to bring relief to the foreign missions. Thing is though, spare coins were few and far between in our humble abode. Coins we put in the box in rare moments of affluence were quickly retrieved when times got tough. We got to give and we got to keep!

We loved him from the first moment and still do, myriad years on. He was our mini celebrity, we prayed to him for everything and he never let us down. When we did not have our requests granted we accepted our lot, St. Martin knew what he was about. 

St. Martin knew all about ill treatment in his lifetime, the colour of his skin was a problem for many cruel people. That did not deter him from being forever champion of the poor and impoverished. He revered human dignity and showed compassion and concern for the lost and the lowest. 

His life praised, blessed and preached God’s love for everyone.

Dear St. Martin, please intercede for our poor world, torn apart by racial discrimination. So much unrest, so much cruelty. 

Having turned away from God, we are like herons standing near a lake where there is no fish!

‘I have desired to do good but I have not desired to make noise. I have found that doing good makes no noise, and making noise does no good’ (St. Martin).

P.S. Today, the 3rd September 2021is your Feast Day, Saint Martin. I awoke this morning with you in my heart not realising that today is your special day. Your way of letting me know you never stop interceding for us all down the years, you never will. Thank you kind Lord for beautiful Saint Martin and all the Saints, guiding and leading us, step by step, home to you. Amen.

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