Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Eric’s Birthday.🎁

Eric is 39 years today. 
Eric, a fine young man, being my first-born, matured at an early age, I wish he could have taken his time, but that is just the way it was. The positives far outweigh the negatives though, Eric is a very responsible young man, he told me one time that it suits him to be like that. Music to my ears, us parents will always have something to feel guilty about, being let off the hook is very pleasant.

A parent himself now, Eric is Dad to my three lovely grandchildren. For now, he is a ‘stay at home’ Dad, while his wife Fiona nurses in ICU, through all the Corona days. He will go back to being an airport police man when the emergency lessens.

There can be no greater joy for a mother than to see her children happy, content and making a difference. Our world needs people of principle now, more than any other time before.

Thank you Eric for choosing me to be your Mom. You brought delight and joy in abundance into my life, 39 years ago today and you bring delight and joy, in ever more abundance, as life goes by.

Thank you, Father God. My cup runneth over.

‘It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to settle for anything less than the best, that’s what it will give you’. (W. Somerset Maugham)

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