Friday, June 5, 2020

Negative people have a problem for every solution.🀨

‘God preserve us from gloomy Saints’. (St. Teresa of Avila)

Being around negative people is totally draining. N rang me yesterday, I told her all about my recent stay in hospital, my sudden illness that can be explained, acute event not a recurring one, Thank God. I threw in a few funny occurrences in the midst of the mayhem, I told N how grateful I am forevermore to God and while I have always loved life, now I want to dance and clap with glee for this amazing wonderful second chance.

N heard everything I said in a completely different light, or should I say, with no light at all. She dissected everything and pulled out the most negative scenarios she could find, I was glad she wasn’t my doctor. I counteracted her negativity as best I could but when the call ended, I was joyless and angry. I remained in that unhappy state for quite some time, anxiety decided to drop by, my evening was the total opposite to how my day had been up to then.

Today, a new day has dawned, a new beginning, no need to keep the broken pieces of yesterday. It was not N’s intention to dismantle my day, she was simply looking upon my life-event the only way she knows how - in a purely practical manner. 

To shine in times like these, we need much more of God’s power, much less of our own. An attitude of gratitude to God at all times for His many blessings takes my focus off myself, N’s diagnosis is just that - N’s diagnosis, God’s diagnosis is the ultimate one. 

The more I remind myself of that, the less likely I am to fall flat on my face, as happened on that grim evening. Joy is the outward expression of Hope, negativity always offends the virtue of Hope.

Easy to be wise after the event. With prayer, practice and God’s amazing Grace, I will one day be a little wiser in the event too.

‘But of all plagues, good Heaven, thy wrath can send, save me, o save me, from the candid friend.
(Geo Canning)

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