Sunday, June 21, 2020

Touching the hem of Jesus Garment.๐Ÿ“ฟ

‘They begged Jesus to let the sick touch at least the fringe of His robe, and all who touched Him were healed’. (Matthew 14:36)

She spoke with barely a whisper, she knew pain I could tell. Handing her my battered and bruised, well worn Rosary beads, I suggested she hold it anytime she was in need of assistance. Holding her beads, she is touching the hem of Jesus Garment, Jesus is carrying her pain, with her and for her. I will never forget her smile as she accepted my gift. I would often say that my Rosary Beads was my favourite fashion accessory, nowadays, my precious Rosary Beads is so much more.

Awakened one night by a terrible fear, dread consuming every fibre of my being. me. As I lay there holding my beads, I heard the beautiful comforting words from Dear Holy Spirit in my deepest heart. ‘You are touching the hem of Jesus Garment, there is nothing to fear. Jesus is carrying your burden with you and for you’. Instantaneously, all fear was gone. 

Not just that, anytime dread raises it’s unwelcome head, once more I am taken back in time to that comforting moment. Whatta Mighty God we serve.

Mr. Cromwell, reporting back to the British Parliament about his campaign to exterminate the Catholic Faith in Ireland, wrote; ‘When I bring these fanatical Irish before the muzzles of my guns, they hold up in their hand a string of beads and they never surrender’. 

The Holy Rosary was that gift from Mother Mary which enabled us to cling to Jesus during centuries of persecution.

We are hugely indebted to our ancestors, they suffered much for their faith, they knew and believed without question or doubt, that in all that they did, God was there to help out. 

What a Blessing in these bankrupt days. Thankyou kind folk, we do not forget, we never will.

                                                         On a wall in Aughrim village.๐Ÿ“ฟ

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