Saturday, June 20, 2020

Mother Mary’s seven Joys.

Today is the feast day of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our Mother Mary’s seven Joys: Pray one Hail Mary meditating on each joy.

1)   Mary Most Holy conceives Jesus.

2)   Mary Most Holy visits her cousin Elizabeth.

3)   Mary Most Holy gives birth to Jesus.

4)   Mary Most Holy presents Beautiful Baby Jesus to the Magi.

5)   Child Jesus found in the temple.

6)   Mary Most Holy meets Jesus after His Ressurection.

7).  Mary Most Holy received by Jesus into Heaven and crowned Queen of Heaven and earth.

Mother Mary pondered all these things in her heart. Intercede for us, Dear Mother, that we might have open hearts.

‘Set yourself apart with Jesus; pour out your soul before Him. Beseech Him to give you the grace that will allow the attractions of Heaven to draw you forth from those of this world, the grace that set apart the most Holy Virgin’. (Jacques-Benigne Bossuet)

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