Friday, June 12, 2020

God is so Good.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘We do not always get the thing we aimed for at the start. The sweet desire of early youth, the dear wish of the heart, But through our disappointments, God’s own wisdom we can trace. Something is denied - but something better takes it’s place’. (Patience Strong)

Today is my birthday. As the years roll by and birthdays accumulate, I believe with all my heart that we will not fully realise what a wonderful gift is life until we are here no more. Bearing that in mind, I am making special efforts to live in the moment, be aware, take note.

‘For I have found a fullness of joy that is more than full. It is a joy that fills the whole heart, mind and soul, and yet joy beyond measure remains’. (St.Anselm)

Looking back over my life thus far, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that my steps have been guided. Everything that happens to us is either, forseen, ordained or permitted by God. He knew He would work my many mistakes for good and He does. Good can come from bad, putrid bread gave us antibiotics.

Some of my biggest crosses turn out to be my greatest blessings. My mistakes wasted a lot of my precious time, but always in the end, the good that follows balance it all out. Only a Wonderful, kind Father God could do all that. Yes indeed, supreme gratitude is the only appropriate response.

Prayer is the story of my life, my relationship with Jesus is paramount. I know He never leaves my side as He leads me home to Wonderful Father God. Holy Spirit beautiful wisdom and guidance light up my path in the dullest of days, I am truly humbled and extremely grateful. Dear Mother Mary and the whole host of Heaven are all around me, I feel their closeness and warmth.

Material wealth don’t impress me much, my needs undemanding. Simplicity does not fly me to the moon and stars but it brings the moon and stars to me. I take care not to trouble myself with enemies, the little things I got right are all that really count now.

‘There are two important dates in a person’s life - the day one is born and the day one discovers what one was born to do’. ( Thomas Merton)
‘‘Dear Lord, have mercy on everyone who’s ever said kind things about me, and be kind to those who’ve said damaging words about me too’. (Margery Kempe)

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