Saturday, June 27, 2020

Holy Rosary in the park.📿

             When you say your Rosary the angels rejoice’. (Our Lady to Alan de la Roche)

Praying Holy Rosary in our town park every afternoon most enjoyable event. When Corona closed our  Church doors we hatched our Holy Rosary plan. Looking out on the river, calm waters flowing gently as a seal pops his head up going on his merry way. Water hen in all her splendour glides past, heron waiting patiently for her food. Blackbird singing sweetly drops by and stays awhile. Colourful butterflies fluttering around copious wild flowers, all creatures great and small.

Prayer and meditation come easy, we are immersed in harmony that is already here. A treasure beyond measure, simple abundance, cosmic temple.

In Medgurjie, in 2012, Beautiful Mother Mary placed the gift of the Holy Rosary in my heart and in my wildest dreams I could not have envisaged how it would come to fruition. Thank you Mother Mary for your beautiful guidance as you lead me to your Beautiful Son, Jesus, who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Making your Holy Rosary known and loved is my life now, my raisin d’etre.

‘The simple prayer of the Holy Rosary marks the rhythm of human life’, St. Pope John Paul wrote in his 1978 testimony.  Likewise our Holy Rosary in this peaceful oasis, summer 2020. It engenders comfort and calm in these tumultuous times, tempest tossed that we are. 

Maria Simma said; ‘Satan hates peace and hates healing, the Rosary is extremely healing and a very powerful weapon against him’.

‘To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and His Mother’.
 (St. Pope John Paul 11)
Today, 13th September 2021, as I prayed aloud Holy Rosary in our Church, an elderly confused inebriated gentleman was shouting loudly that he needed someone to get him a bottle of whiskey. I prayed on and after a while Tim (I found out his name was) began to answer the Our Father and Hail Mary. It was really beautiful. Afterwards I tried unsuccessfully to get him a taxi - no driver would allow Tim in their car. He wore no socks and his bare feet were cold and tired. 
I had just put his tattered shoes back on his freezing feet when lo and behold, Eugene walked in the door of the Church. Yes, you guessed it, Eugene, a man of God, dropped Tim home, quite a distance away. How Tim got to our town in the first place remains a mystery. 
Magnificent Holy Rosary is a powerful prayer. Mother Mary is forever minding us as She leads us to her Son, Jesus. Mother Mary wrapped her blue mantle around Tim in his hour of need. 
Dear Mother Mary does exactly that for each and every one of us. 

‘One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world’. (St. Dominic)

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