Saturday, June 13, 2020

God alone is sufficient.πŸŽ†

My recent sudden illness had knocked my confidence, my steps not nearly as free as they once were. Walking through town a gentle elderly holy man was holding out a beautiful St. Benedict Cross to me from across the street. ‘This is for you. He is a great Saint, he will keep you safe’. I asked the gentleman if he knew I had been ill. ‘No, I did not’, he replied

Dearest Lord, you are all love, kindness and mercy. You sent that beautiful man to me in my hour of need. You asked good Saint Benedict to watch over me. From that moment on I knew in my deepest heart that I was safe and secure in Jesus Holy Name. Amen

The apostles went about preaching, depending on you for all their needs and they were never disappointed. They got direction and guidance, they knew, dear Lord, they had every single thing, when they had you. I know it too Precious Lord, You are all that I need.

God alone is sufficient.

‘We need God alone. He alone knows the secret for comforting our battered hearts. In Him alone will we always find the true comfort for our ills’. (Blessed Celia Merloni).

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