Monday, January 3, 2022


‘That my word may dwell in your heart’ ; whispered in my deepest spirit as I awoke at 3AM this morning. I scribbled it down on the notebook near my bed lest it disappear into the ether of the night. ‘God’s word dwelling in my heart’, made me smile, filling me with much needed peace.

Feeling poorly, sleep fragmented, positive antigen test later confirming my lingering fears. Two ominous lines shouting out apologetically; ‘So sorry - you have COVID’. Always, for me, not knowing is definitely worse than knowing the worst. Acceptance is peace.

Lightbulb moment.πŸ’‘ Positive number 2! My son had been cooped up in his room since he tested positive four days before and now there was nothing to stop us both occupying the whole house. As G.K. Chesterton wrote; ‘We are all in the same boat and we are all seasick’. 

The world will not stop spinning. My Sacred Church privileges/duties (munus) will all get done. These COVID days will be spent in prayer - for you dear reader and everyone else too.

‘This is one of the consequences of prayer: the safety, the freedom, because essentially we have nothing to fear’. (Sr. Wendy)

                                        Today is the sublime Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. 

 ‘But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint’. (Isaiah 40:31)

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