Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Life. 🌿

Completely forgetting that today is New Year’s Day, I called Centra shop hoping to place an order. Delightful young man sadly informed me that there would be no deliveries today. Replacing receiver, I wondered aloud; ‘Holy Spirit, who will you choose to drop me my stuff’. Right then, my sister Chris messaged: ‘What would you like me to drop at your door?’. 

Not alone that, Holy Spirit gently reminded me of Blessed candle I had for Chris, I would most certainly not have remembered. Chris received her gift, uttering the words; ‘This candle means more to me than anything else right now’. 

Wonderful Holy Spirit watching over us both as always.

My New Year resolution simply to ‘Live in the present moment’. My past to God’s mercy, my future to His providence, my present moment walking with Jesus in the light of the Holy Spirit, doing what Father God is asking of me, right here, right now with all my heart and soul. 

When I find myself stepping back in regret or forward in trepidation, Holy Spirit will take my mind back to this morning’s harmonious happening.  ‘Come Home’, He will gently whisper. ‘Everything you need is right here, right now’. 

(I read recently that Life is a battle between two thieves: Regret over the past and Fear of the future.)

When I asked my friend Jason if he would like to join me on my ‘resolution route’, he replied; ‘I would love to but...’. ‘Of course it is only possible with the Grace of God’, I explained ‘When we ask in Jesus Holy Name and Jesus wants it too, then it most certainly will come to pass’. 

Pondering all these things in my heart, just like Mother Mary two centuries ago, I donned my warm coat and with Rosary beads in hand, began praying Holy Rosary walking around the four corners of my garden. I love Holy Rosary and I love my garden, consummate peace, six cozy doves relaxing strategically on one of the tall trees. Our God is a God of order.

Then, like something shiny out of the corner of my eye, bluebells sprouting out of the cold hard ground. Not in flower as yet but soon, very soon. New life, new year, new resolution, maybe even new me. A work in progress, God is doing a new thing. Allelulia.

‘If I did not simply live from one moment to another, it would be impossible for me to be patient; but I only look at the present, I forget the past, and I take good care not to forestall the future’.                        (St. Therese of Lisieux)

“Come in”, exclaimed the ghost. “Come in and know me better, man!” Scrooge entered timidly, and hung his head before this spirit. He was not the Scrooge he had been, and though the spirit’s eyes were clear and kind, he did not like to meet them.

“I am the ghost of Christmas present”, said the spirit. “Look upon me!”                                                        (A Christmas Carol/Charles Dickens)

Outside my widow just now. Yes, indeed, let’s look upon the ‘the present’. That is where all the ‘Good stuff’ resides. πŸ˜€

‘Let every day be the day of ‘beginning again’, of loving Christ a little more, of hungering for Him a little more, of turning our face to Him’. (Catherine de Hueck Doherty)

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