Saturday, January 15, 2022

Something old - Something New.☀️

Never too old to start something new. Today, my first exercise class in a gym for forty years. Therapy extraordinaire.

Back then, I had the privilege of running a CrΓ¨che attached to Fitness Club. Scant training, my one and only qualification ‘loving kindness’. Every child in my care meant the world to me, myriad wonderful memories and stories from that time.

While the yummy mummies worked out, I babysat. Story-telling, singing, dancing, colouring, Lego and oftentimes just good old-fashioned chitter-chatter. No plan of action, sweet simplicity. When the last child would be taken home from my crèche, I would dash to the gym for the remaining scraps, always hanging on, never really taking part.

Today, my class serious and at the same time ton of fun. Gym Master knows his stuff, adept trainer but more than that, his sense of humour and quick wit rendered the whole experience uplifting and truly therapeutic. All anxiety and ruminating suspended for sixty delightful minutes. Upbeat music too, impossible to stand still for one second. Just right for us  ‘Over 60’s’ folk.

Thankyou Killian for nudging me on. Thank you Derm for my gym attire, when you gifted them to me, I had no plan to be wearing them to an actual gym, but God knew all the time. What a Mighty God we serve. Forty years melting away in the twinkling of an eye.

‘And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’.   (T.S. Eliot)

1 comment:

  1. Just look at you - so much in such a small package! The body of a teenager, the intelligence & gifts of a scholar, and the soul of an angel ... But, let's not get "too" much on the serious side here - you have enough humor to keep us all chuckling when you're in the mood, too! I love you dearly, my friend!
