Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Encounters extraordinaire.🙏🏻🎆

Wonderful visitation with Mary this morning. We walked and talked in the crisp fresh air. I love her company, we are best friends ever since I worked in the High Support Hostel where she resided for a time. I always take my leave of Mary with an uplifted ‘light as a feather’ heart, sunshine walks beside her. 

Later on, a friend informed me that Mary’s long time friend, Jim, was poorly and would I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at his bedside, in his place of residence. I jumped at the chance. As I sat in prayer, I knew in my deepest spirit there was no ceiling in this Sacred sacrosanct space and Heaven had no floor. In the hour of death, Our Lady draws closer, Saint Joseph, James’ Guardian Angel too. 

Jim’s room was packed with Angels and Saints in the presence of Almighty God who is a loving Father like no father has ever been on earth. Heavenly Love and Light shining brightly all around.

Jim slept soundly, his beautiful face relaxed like never before. Quite remarkable, utterly angelic.

Mary will be sad when she hears the news about Jim. They both resided in the High Support Hostel. They both knew suffering and rejection. Because of Jim and Mary, I know who God is.

For me, two encounters from God, far more superior than my paltry words could ever convey, all in a January day in 2022.

‘Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also’.     (Matthew6:19-21)

 Magestic sunset at the close of a magnificent day. ☀️

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