Saturday, January 1, 2022

Managing my Blessings.🛍🎁

‘I know that during this year as in the past I shall continue to live in the arms and in the heart of Jesus, and that He, with incomparable solicitude, will rule over all things including each detail of my life, designing all for my good and for my happiness’. (Archbishop Martinez/1956)

My elaborate plans have been flung into disarray in one fell swoop. Some members of our clan are close contacts and must go have PCR’s. (30/12/2021). In the meantime, I must stay home and await results.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is my day to be Sacristan in Church, Jackey very kindly offered to take my place. Tomorrow too is my day to read at Holy Mass, Phil has very kindly offered to read in my place. Mary will pray Holy Rosary before Holy Mass. How blessed I am to have kind generous folk in my life. I love my Church community, God Bless you all, every one.

I will dearly miss receiving my Jesus in Holy Eucharist but I have huge comfort knowing that every Holy Eucharist I have ever had the sublime privilege of receiving, remains forever in my heart. I am not going without in this waiting time. I love singing at Holy Mass but I know in my deepest heart that all I really do is hold the microphone, it is Jesus who sings. My performance adds nothing to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Only my participation is required. ‘He must increase; I must decrease’. (John 3:30)

Our New Year family party in Middleton will not now go ahead. We would love to be together, and of course we are dejected, but we know in our hearts that there is no separation, we are safe and secure in each other’s hearts at all times. Love liberates, our time will come again - ‘It came to pass’ is how it goes - NOT - ‘It came to stay’.

When all is said and done, things are not so bad. Staying home in my cozy cottage not enormous penance, neither does it feel like isolation. Minor inconvenience amidst countless blessings from Father God who cannot be outdone in generosity. Everything God expects of us, He supplies. Whatever He commands, He enables.

‘Discouragement is never from God because it blocks out all the bright rays of Hope’. (St. Ignatius)

‘God loves us more than the best of fathers, and more tenderly than the most devoted of mothers. We have only then to abandon ourselves to His Will with the heart of a child’.
(St. John Vianney)

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