Thursday, January 13, 2022

Simple abundance.πŸ’Ž

My Covid Retreat has come to a close, liberation is landed. This morning loyal Antigen declaring merrily; ‘All clear!! You are free to go’. 

My two whole weeks of serene solitude, as opposed to lingering loneliness, over. I emerge, bright eyed and bushy tailed, oodles of gratitude in my heart to God for the simple abundance of this uncomplicated life I am exceedingly privileged to be living. Before this time of enforced rest and renewal, in the rough and tumble that is daily living, myriad gems had escaped my attention.

Praying Holy Rosary in my garden every day definitely a highlightπŸ“Ώ. Raucous crows, tranquil doves and many more colourful little birds besides, blending in seamlessly as our prayers, like incense, wafted their way up to God in highest Heaven. Going forward, I can not imagine one day without Holy Rosary in our cosmic temple.

‘Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them’. (Matthew 6:26)

Sound of my wellies on wet grass evoking memories of days long gone, pottering on the farm with my dear Dad. Wellies and my childhood days, inextricably linked in my deepest heart, I had forgotten how much I love my wellies. Moon in the evening peering through bare naked trees. No foliage to hide them, no pretence. Much like myself, nothing to hide me now too, all activities and distractions silenced. 

For sure, I am happy to be free, thrilled to be able to attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Eucharist again but without one scintilla of a doubt, I am immensely grateful to God for the brief respite that was my ‘Covid Retreat’.

‘Never less lonely than when completely alone’. (Cicero)

‘By habitually thinking of the presence of God, we succeed in praying twenty-four hours a day’.                  (St. Paul of the Cross)

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