Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Thank you Dear Jesus for coming to me. ❤️

This morning, dear friend Mary brought me Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist, O happiest of days. Many times in the past, sublime privilege of taking Holy Eucharist to others in the above pyx was mine. Today, me the grateful humble recipient. Beautiful Jesus walked through the open window of my little cottage of isolation. I am over the moon, walking on air, bursting at the seams with gratitude extraordinaire. One whole week since I last received Holy Eucharist. 

Later on, Micheal, my kindly nephew, dropped delicious lasagne on the same window sill. Shortly thereafter, lovely Emily dropped off a scrumptious shepherds pie. Smashing young folk with big beautiful hearts.

Sustenance for soul and body. For now, there is nowhere I have to be, no important thing I have to do. No schedule, no timetable. Healing time of peace and prayer. 

Everything that happens to us is either foreseen, ordained or permitted by God. In due course, all will be revealed.

‘All things are the works of the Lord, for they are very good, and whatever He commands will be done in His time’. (Sirach 39:16)

‘If you have eyes to see, every hour of the day holds its splendour. It comes from Me, from a fragment of me. I vary my spectacles every morning to rejuvenate your hearts’.                                                        (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)


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