Monday, March 7, 2022

God is in control.๐Ÿ’ฅ

As the dreadful shock of Paulina’s passing subsides, many wonderful memories from our time together rise to the surface vying for my attention. Like the way she would always say when yet another hurdle came across her path: ‘It is fine. There is no problem. God is in control of everything, all the time’. Dear Paulina overcame many obstacles in the course of her short life.

When she took the train to Cork city every Friday, she would offer my prayer to any homeless person she encountered. Oftentimes we would laugh and say: ‘That is just who we are: ‘P&B Prayer sharers’. John remarked when he heard of Paulina’s passing: ‘It was a marvellous thing that Paulina became a Missionary to the homeless’. Yes indeed, it is within all of our power to lighten another’s load no matter our trial or circumstance.

This morning at Holy Mass a man informed me that my friend J, who was sitting right next to me had dropped money on the floor. I was embarrassed, appalled and hurt for J.  How could the man in question not see that his otherwise thoughtful action was rudeness personified? J was perfectly capable of dealing with the paltry matter, he did not need an interpreter. Then I thought of dear Paulina and all the times she must have felt invisible and irrelevant. There and then peace returned as I breathed deeply and relaxed, imbibing her sublime words into my deepest spirit: ‘It is fine. There is no problem. God is in control of everything all the time’.

Thank you Jesus for the company I am privileged to keep, kindly folk who never cease to inspire and call me higher. Folk oftentimes overlooked and yet they walk right on, heads held high, shining brightly from their broken places. I know that when I am privileged to walk with them I am really and truly walking with You my precious Lord and Saviour. Here I long to remain, there is no other place on this earth I want to be.

‘Our Lord is never found in pomp, pleasure, luxury, but in lowliness and humiliation’. (Cure D’Ars)

Compassionate God, open our eyes to see You in the faces of the poor, the troubled, and the forgotten; open our hands to reach out to them in Your hope and peace. May we give you thanks for Your many blessings to us by seeking to share those blessings with all our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Amen

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