Saturday, March 12, 2022

Nothing has changed.๐ŸŒธ


‘Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven’.
(Matthew 5:16)

Home again after my brief stay in Dublin’s fair city. Over the past few days countless folk in many different locations accepted joyfully and gratefully my prayer, Heston Station, Grafton Street, Henry Street, and many other locations besides. Myriad tales of woe and wonder, sharings extraordinaire came to pass and all because my dear friend Paulina passed on to her eternal reward while she slept peacefully one week ago.

The one and only reason I found myself in Dublin was to attend Paulina’s Prayer Service. I love Dublin (I lived there for twenty eight years before returning home to my own place), but exceptional grounds would be required for me to embark on such an arduous bus and train journey from most southern tip of the island of Ireland.

Paulina is out of sight but she is not absent from my life. ‘P&B Prayer Sharers’, still goes strong, only the dynamic has changed, that’s all. God turns all things to good. In the economy of salvation nothing is wasted.

‘Those who’ve left us are not absent, they are invisible. They keep their eyes full of glory fixed on ours full of tears’. (St. Augustine)

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