Sunday, March 27, 2022

Mother’s Day. ๐ŸŒธ

‘We have only to turn to the Blessed Virgin to be heard. Her heart is all Love. (Cure D’Ars)

‘Jesus meets His Mother’, fourth Station of the Cross grants me pause every time. Twenty five years ago my eldest son Eric got run over by a speeding car in Swords. Miraculously he survived to tell the tale. 

I remember gazing on that Station in our Church in Swords soon after Eric got out of Hospital and telling Jesus from my deepest grateful heart: ‘You are so kind dear Jesus. You know very well how much your beautiful Mother suffered as she watched you die a horrific death on the cross and you would not allow me go through it’. To this day, every time I pray Stations of the Cross, the fourth Station catapults me right back to that day and time. My heart never forgets.

Today, Mother’s Day, is your day Mother Mary, it is not mine. All the wonderful loving kindness I receive from my wonderful sons, I offer to your beautiful heart. Their thoughtful generous gifts I will happily share with others. 

We are safe in your care as you lead us to Jesus your son, our elder brother.

‘Everything I have learned about beauty in it’s simplicity and magnificence, I learned from the Blessed Virgin Mary’. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

I dedicated Mother’s Day to Mother Mary many years ago when my children were very young. I remember clearly the day and time, precise moment even, when I realised and understood, in my deepest heart without a shadow of a doubt that Mother’s Day is Mother Mary’s Day. Profound truth from on high that has stayed with me up and down the long years.๐Ÿ•Š

‘He was dangerously ill and close to death. However God had mercy on him - and not merely on him but on me as well, so that I would not have to endure one sorrow on top of another’.                         (Philippians 2:27)

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