Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday.๐Ÿ™Œ

Bridie’s prayer.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

I approached the couple who had joined our 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church today and offered them copy of Bridie’s prayer. As the man read the prayer his eyes filled up with tears. ‘This is for me’, he said gravely. We stood in silence and then, when he could, he told that his son had died recently having suffered heart attack. 

Before we took leave of one another I told him that my copy of Bridie’s prayer is fixed on my kitchen wall right next to my electric kettle reminding me at all times that : ‘Whoever has God lacks NOTHING’.

Generous lady handed me two big bags of colouring books/crayons, copy books, toiletries and lots more as I left our Church. Would I get them to our Ukrainian visitors please. That turned out to be such a pleasant experience. I asked some people outside hotel if they would like to choose some stuff and somehow I ended up sat on the footpath while little children and mothers discussed in their own Ukrainian dialect the contents of my two bags. Joyous merry occasion in the midst of so much pain and heartache. I got warm bear hugs before we parted company. Keepsake in my deepest heart.

I visit with a dear lady in early onset Alzheimers every Wednesday. We pray Holy Rosary, we drink tea, she tells me stories of days long gone. Today her toe hurt so I placed her tired feet in a basin of warm salty water. As I knelt on the floor lovingly washing and drying her feet I cannot adequately articulate how honoured and privileged I felt to be in that sacred space. 

To be allowed serve another in this way is just too rich for words. To be the Hands and Feet of Jesus, to follow in His Divine sublime footsteps as He washed the feet of the Apostles on Holy Thursday night. To be part of something so much greater and grander than my musty minuscule world of me, myself and I.

‘We cannot give God greater glory than by bringing forth Christ in our lives, by putting on Christ, by entering into Christ, for Christ it is through Whom and with Whom and in Whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit is all the Glory of God’. (Dom Boylan)

Cardinal Robert Sarah was bang on when he wrote: ‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’. My words are paltry and puny but still I must put in writing my wonderful Wednesday from God.

This evening as I walked back home tired and content, Bar-owner Tommy called out to me as he whizzed past on his bike: ‘Hello Bridget. Thank you for that beautiful prayer’. Myriad times I am sorely tempted to call it a day and offer nobody ever again my two prayers but then a day like today pops up filling me with zeal, restoring my resolve to keep right on to the end of the road. Awesome God.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️

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