Friday, March 25, 2022


‘Lord, You’re full and You fill us with Your kindness too. You’re great and we’re small. Tell us, how are we to become like You then?’. (Mechthild of Magdeburg)

What a day! So many wonderful encounters. Grace filled moments. James at the coffee vending machine accepted my prayer joyfully as did Martin who was about to take off on his high-powered motor bike. Pretty girl with warmest smile meditating on the Church grounds grass could not have been more sunny as she gratefully accepted my prayer too. 

Lady who already possesses my prayer stopped to chat and as we went our separate ways she said: ‘I feel better now’. Pleasant man at the bank machine gently refused but oh with so much grace and kindness. 

I cannot recall when it was that I began handing out my prayer to folk, no memory of it. I do not remember deciding to do it. Somehow it came to pass and I am so glad,

John and I went on a shopping spree to Bank’s corner shop for his Mom’s ‘Mother’s day’ gift. A few years ago John bought his Mom a small mirror for two euro in that shop and his Mom still compliments his handy gift. This year’s gift was more expensive but is really pretty and quite unique, John was really pleased.

Enjoying our coffee later John laughingly said: ‘I bought you nothing coz you’re not my mother’. Suddenly I was catapulted back in time, my late husband Eric would utter those exact words every Mother’s Day; ‘I bought you nothing coz you are not my mother’ and every year we laughed. ‘I kinda was his mother’, I told John. 

With the passage of time memories that hurt like hell for a time lose their jagged edges and can be relived with love and even enjoyed. What a wonderful thing is Time. 

I met K strolling along in the midday sun, first time since he uttered those heartbreaking words: ‘I am dying’, in Church a few months ago. He is taking copious tablets but feeling well Thank God. We were both really happy to meet up. ‘Are you saying my prayer’, I asked him. ‘’Sometimes’, he replied smiling. ‘Sometimes is good’.

Alice in her gorgeous shop  ‘Skellig Soaps’, sporting her brand new hairstyle gifted me six wholesome free-range eggs, industrious hens ultra generous at this time. Be next person in her door only requirement to receive such a sublime gift. Alice and I have a beautiful friendship, I was her Mom Rosie’s companion for a long time. Rosie is forever in my heart.

3PM Holy Rosary in Church and as always live-streamed to St. Anne’s nursing home. Many joining us from various other locations too. I arrived home to my humble cozy abode, exhausted and famished with the hunger when my dear friend and neighbour Eileen dropped by bearing a most delicious dinner. She had cooked enough for two. I danced for joy, no other way of letting her know my profound gratitude.

Magnificent Friday. Happy now to be home at last in my own corner.

‘Our Lord God wants us to love Him just as He has loved us and loves us still, and always will. If we want to be like Him, we will love just as He does. (Mechthild of Magdeburg)

When the evening shadows fall, may the quiet heart recall - not the troubles of the day but small mercies by the way: the unexpected gift bestowed - the friend you met along the road. Not the things you failed to do - but the wishes that came true’. (Patience Strong)

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