Thursday, March 10, 2022

Paulina, your work on earth is done.🌸

‘Like an hourglass with a certain number of grains of sand within it, God has appointed your life to last only a certain number of days and you have absolutely no idea how many there are. 
In God’s presence, consider: I have no idea when my life will end. 
All I know is that death will come to me eventually. 
Am I doing anything to prepare for the real possibility that God may call me sooner rather than later?
 If He called me into Eternity would I be ready?’. 
(Patrick Madrid)

Beautiful Prayer service today in memory of, and honouring the life of my fond friend Paulina.❤️🙏🏻

‘Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus, please help me do right by others and everyone you bring into my life. Amen

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