Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Delightful day☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Act as if everyday were the last of your life, and each action the last you perform’.
 (St. Alphonsus Liguria)
Joyful privilege mine singing Amazing Grace in Church for Derm and Shona’s Wedding Blessing. I love this hymn and now it holds even more significance for me ever since Holy Spirit placed in my heart; ‘My Grace is with you right now’ in a moment of turmoil. Everything is Grace, Little Flower would oftentimes declare.

Eric and Fiona’s two daughters, Saoirse and Aoife, bridesmaids along with Shona’s two sisters Rachel and Natalie. Ruairi and Tricia’s little son Daithi pageboy as was Eric and Fiona’s son Cillian. Ruairi did one of the readings in Church.

Splendid fun-filled family and friends wedding reception. Derm, Killian and I delivered our wedding speeches. All went very well Thank God. 

Relaxed affair, dazzling day brimming with light and life. What a Mighty God we serve.

   ‘We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more’. (St. Joseph Cafasso)

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