Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Nan strikes again ๐Ÿ‘ต๐ŸŒŸ

‘What are the servants of God if not His minstrels, who must move people’s hearts and lift them up to a spiritual joy’. (St. Francis of Assisi)
Glorious hour in Franciscan Friary before Holy Mass this morning. My ‘New Testament’ recently purchased in Medugorje is so easy to enjoy and ponder. I wanted to never stop reading ‘Acts of the apostles’ in that delighted oasis of peace.

Lady approached as I alighted from the bus at Cork Station. ‘Excuse me but I noticed you were praying Holy Rosary on the bus๐Ÿ“ฟ. Are you a Legion of Mary member by any chance?’. Lots in common, we chatted awhile. Happily accepting my prayer, she read it through uttering; ‘Yes, they are all here’. (All of Heaven minding us!).

Then suddenly it dawned on me - (wonderful Holy Spirit prompt) - I had left my suitcase on the bus. Panicked, I dashed back to retrieve it and even though in that moment I was catapulted back in time to an incident I would sooner forget, had I not left my suitcase on the bus, then the woman and child waiting there would not have received my prayer and ‘they really needed a prayer today’, woman told me. 

One day in 2018, in error I took another’s suitcase from the bus (same colour as mine) rendering an already stressful situation beyond horrific for all concerned. I only realised my mistake on reaching my destination. In some strange way, today’s prayer-sharing with woman and child as I collected my suitcase from bus, somehow softened the edges of that unpleasant memory from five years ago. Revisited in the Gladsome light of Christ, circle closed. Or should I say ‘Case closed’๐Ÿ˜‚

Lady on bench pouring water into a dish for her parched dog thrilled to receive my prayer today. ‘You were meant to give me this’, she told me. ‘Perhaps it is time I moved on’. Jeweller lady, Charity shop lady. Young shop assistant moved to tears, overjoyed receiving my prayer. Young girls in Church too could not stop smiling as they read my prayer. ‘This is beautiful’ one of them uttered, astounded.

Divinely inspired perfectly timed prayer-sharing encounters, all of them. I love my granddaughter Aoife’s words: ‘Nan strikes again’.๐Ÿ˜ 

I got myself tea in the bus station and went outside to wait on my connecting bus only to realise it was just about to depart at that vey moment and so I got on it by the skin of my teeth. Happiness☀️

Eventful enjoyable day in the city. Thankyou God for EVERYTHING ☀️☀️

‘Do not be anxious; go straight on, forgetful of self, letting the spirit of God act instead of your own’.           (St. Julie Billiart)

Peace in the valley ๐Ÿ‡

‘Love you children (grandchildren). In them you can see Baby Jesus. Pray for them a lot and every day put them under Holy Mary’s protection’. (St. Gianna Molla)

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