Monday, July 31, 2023

Mother Mary Rosary Beads📿

                               ‘We ought to love the Blessed Virgin very much’. (The Cure D’Ars)

I left Church holding Mother Mary’s blue Rosary beads in my hand. Fleetingly I wonder who might receive it but dismiss the notion just as quickly, any minute now I would be home. Then, around the corner comes Tom, literally!! We stop for a quick chat as always.

American born, residing now in our town, he loves my prayer and now Mother Mary is about to gift him her blue Rosary beads too. I recount to Tom Mother Mary’s promise to me in Medugorje last October: ‘Her gift 📿and she is present in the sharing’. Tom accepts joyfully.

‘I have something to tell you too, I was hoping we might catch-up’, Tom utters. ‘My grandmother came from Knock, Co. Mayo and her mother Bridget (14 yrs old) was one of Knock visionaries way back in 1879. I can’t think of anyone else who might appreciate that more than you’.

Tom’s Great-grandmother one of Knock Shrine’s visionaries! Wow! Tom’s Great-grandmother gazed upon Jesus, Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, St. John the Evangelist and angels in those terrible famine days and now her Great-grandson lives in our town☀️ 

‘That is huge Tom’, was all I could think to say absolutely amazed. ‘It is’, replied Tom -‘Thank you for this’, holding his special gift📿 tightly.

As I write, delivery guy arrives at my door and of course he takes his leave holding Mother Mary’s beautiful beads, promising to place what weighs heavy in his heart right now, in beautiful Mother Mary’s hands.📿

After 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church this afternoon wonderful encounter with Italian couple. Gentleman, retired Insurance Broker. We joke that perhaps my prayer (which they accept) is God’s insurance policy gift to them! (Half joking-fully in earnest!)

Young teenagers who gratefully accepted my prayer this morning remain all day long in my deepest heart. One young girl in particular! The way she uttered: ‘Thank you soo much’.🙏🏻

‘Mother Mary stands at the court of Heaven fulfilling the office of all good mothers; promising, explaining, pleading for us, as mothers always do’. (Sr. Mary Jean)

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