Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Happy day๐Ÿ˜☀️

‘What are the servants of God if not His minstrels, who must move people’s hearts and lift them up to spiritual joy’. (St. Francis of Assisi)

Early this morning I visited a dear lady who lost her beautiful son James very recently. We had never met, wonderful Holy Spirit prompt. She read my prayer silently and loved it. She happily accepted my blue plastic Rosary beads, I told her what Mother Mary put in my heart last October in Medugorje; ‘Not alone is she personally gifting this Rosary beads to the recipient, Mother Mary is actually present in the Grace-filled encounter ๐Ÿ“ฟ)

Lady talked about her beautiful James and before we parted I quoted Saint Pope John Paul; ‘Our deceased loved ones are invisible - not absent’. Those words comforted her broken heart a lot in that moment.

What a beautiful blessing to learn on arriving for Holy Mass some time later that today is St. James feast day. Beautiful God-incidence☀️

In the afternoon, elderly lady with the most amazing smile told me how unhappy she is now because she cannot live in her own home. When I suggested to her that her winsome smile lifts many a heart, she was surprised and definitely uplifted. I spoke the absolute truth, her warm smile lifts my heart always. I told her that our own plans are puny and paltry when compared with God’s lavish plans for us all, if we would put our trust in Him.

On way home I visited Church for a quick chat with beautiful Jesus in Holy Tabernacle. Lady sobbing silently, sitting alone, I offered her my prayer and Rosary beads. Her beautiful face wet with tears lit up like a thousand suns. I let her know that the Rosary beads were Mother Mary’s gift to her and even though right now her heavy heart hurts, all indeed will be very well. Smiling and crying all at the same time, she uttered: ‘I know. Thank you very much’.

Nearly home and had two Italian teenagers sitting on a bench not greeted me first, all three of us would have missed out on a most amazing divinely inspired encounter! They both read my prayer aloud and will pray it every morning. ‘You young folk really need us older ones to pass on what we know…’ I asked. Both of them nodding gravely, replied; ‘Yes we do’.

Speak Lord. Your servant is listening ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Never will we understand the value of time better than when our last hour is at hand’. (St. Arnold Jansen)

                               How I love to visit with dear Marina ❤️and her loyal Lesley every chance I get๐Ÿ’

This morning I rang James (rip) heartbroken Mother letting her know that our beautiful encounter took place on St. James Feast day. No words!๐ŸŒŸ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜ญ

‘And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it’. (Mark 16:20)

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