Sunday, July 9, 2023

Priceless treasure☀️

‘Birds fly, fish swim, human beings pray’. (St. Ephrem)

Holy Mass celebrated in Filemore Church this morning for my Mom and Dad, husband Eric, dear sister Katy. Compact Church of our childhood days, we received our Sacraments there, attended Missions and so much more. Fond memories flood every inch of that sacred sacrosanct space.

Normally I read at family Anniversary Holy Mass but today my niece Mary Kate would be reading the liturgy. I had gone to great lengths telling my family that I wished to remain in the background. Our family is large, others might like to take part if given a chance. 

Because Mary Kate agreed to read, I arrived in Church looking forward to Holy Mass in peace and quiet. Or so I thought…

Allocated singer cancelled last minute, I was told on arrival. ‘Would I please sing?’ So much for remaining in the background!!

We are and always have been a ‘singing’ family. My Dad had us singing almost from the moment of our birth, a neighbour told us one time. One of my regrets in life is that I never once asked my Dad to sing even though he would invite me to sing for visitors to our home all the time. I will get my chance though, in Heaven we will sing together for all eternity please God. I was a young busy teenager when my beautiful Dad died suddenly breaking all our hearts.

Dad travelled into town some days prior to his sudden death and on returning back home again, Mom asked if he had visited the Docter. His reply: ‘I did not but I went to Confession instead’.☀️

Before today, us siblings had never once sang together at Holy Mass. It never crossed our mind to do so despite the fact that praying and singing come to us as natural as breathing. However, I am thrilled to tell that today we made our debut. No plan, thrown in at the deep end, seamless. Priceless treasure.🌟

Father God’s plan for my life far exceed my own puny paltry plans every single time, without fail. Quite extraordinary!!

My heart overjoyed as I write this rambling blog. We sang hymns from our childhood and the whole congregation joined in. Singing together, children once more. Impromptu! Beautiful. No floor in heaven, no roof on Filemore Church. God rest your gentle souls, Mom, Dad, Katy and Eric❤️

Up above or here on earth, just like today, going forward, we will sing together at every family Anniversary Holy Mass please God until the end of time. 

Wonderful Holy Spirit prompt☀️ Dad and I have sang together myriad times up and down the long years. No roof on the Church, no floor in Heaven every time I sing at Holy Mass. Surely my dear Dad is singing with me, all of us together in one place, adoring and praising Holy Trinity, one God.

What a gift to my heart this is! Nothing to regret in the Gladsome Light of Christ.☀️

O Sacred Banquet in which Christ is consumed, the memory of His passion recalled, our soul filled with grace and we receive a pledge of future glory. Amen

                      ‘My Lord and my God’☀️ (Beautiful words I heard last night in my dreams).

‘Ask for childlike faith and love as you approach to receive Holy Communion. If only we would look at Holy Eucharist with that type of love, with that type of safety and stability. Then we can truly say: ‘My Lord and my God’. (Fr. John Paul Mary’s homily/EWTN Holy Mass today).

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