Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Never alone.πŸ™πŸ»

‘Those who come into genuine contact with Jesus Christ cannot keep Him for themselves, they must proclaim Him’. (Pope St. John Paul)
‘Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time’. (Matthew:28:20)

Last night, full realisation of Killian’s imminent departure to Canada galloped into my deepest heart, drenching me in desolation and catching me completely off guard. As darkness gathered round me,  a gentle whisper like a fresh breeze wafted into my soul, lifting me instantly out of my solemn self; ‘You will not be alone, you are never alone, I am with you always’.

Gentle Jesus, Lord of my life, Your beautiful reminder in my momentary melancholic memory loss, shifted my gaze, refilling my heart with joy and hope.

Remembering an event in my life many years ago. At my wits end, trying hard to survive but drowning fast in a deluge of tears, I screamed in pain; ‘Jesus what do you want from me. I am doing all that I can do but nothing is changing, in fact getting worse if anything’. Jesus’ reply will forever remain in my heart; ‘Would your life be better if you had Eric available to you all of the time and you did not have me at all?. ‘Oh no Lord’, I cried, ‘that would be terrible’. My tears dried and strength returned once more.

Another time Killian newborn baby, I beyond exhausted. In my deepest heart one night I heard: ‘You sleep, I will mind your baby for you’. Truly, I got enough sleep every single night to soldier on, no matter what came across my path.

Thank you Gentle Jesus, I am never alone. You are forever raising me up to more than I could ever be by myself. My Light and my Life, my All in All.

‘I go everywhere with Jesus. His Presence accompanies me everywhere’. (St. Faustina).

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