Monday, February 22, 2021

Stay home and be delighted.😀😃

Forty one years ago today Eric and I were wed. Thank you Father God from my deepest heart, I know what it is to love deeply and also to be deeply loved. God rest your gentle soul, dear Eric.
(Two years after penning the above I read a quote from St. Mother Teresa: ‘The greatest need of a human is to love and be loved’)

This morning, I read; ‘God’s greatest gifts to me are three. First, cessation of carnal desires and pleasures. Secondly, Divine light enlightens me in everything I do. Thirdly, daily I grow and am renewed in God’s Grace’. (Meister Eckhart) 

Sage words resonating in my deepest spirit as I make my way to Church to spend one glorious hour in the presence of Beautiful Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

‘Talk to God in the morning. Start your day talking to Someone Important’. (Father Benedict Groeschel). 

Returning home, I meet Lima who hails from Lithuania. We talk about the searing loneliness Corona pandemic is inflicting on folk in these tumultuous times. ‘Do you get lonely sometimes?’, I ask. ‘No’, replies Lima. ‘Me too’, I say, ‘We are so blessed’. 

Lima in her broken English, searching for the correct words, declares joyfully; ‘How you say it?. We can stay home and be delighted. It is a gift from God’. Right there, a hug from Heaven, God always knows what we need.

Yes, Dear Lord, I can stay home and be delighted. My heart is full to overflowing with supreme gratitude to you for my life, for everything.....God’s greatest gifts to me are three.....and myriad millions more......

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