Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The days we went to school. πŸ“š


Pristine bridge in place of  rickety one we crossed in our youth, on the days we went to school. Myriad memories this crisp bright February afternoon strolling with Ruairi down memory lane.

Returning from school, we would walk through the packed beach absorbing and admiring Amber Solaire suntanned holidaymakers. Perfect families with perfect lives, sophisticated accents, royalty in our innocent eyes. Colourful towels, vibrant swimsuits, picnics and lemonade. Huge ice creams.

Superior universe, far removed from our own humdrum simple existence....... or so we thought at that time. 

‘Our deeds still travel with us from afar and what we have been makes us what we are’.
 (George Eliot)

We were both teenagers, the first time we met, Tad and his family from Boston, on summer vacation in Kells bay. Tad’s Mam introduced me to the music of John Denver and Gordon Lightfoot. I played their LP’s non-stop. Magical friendship,  memories that linger. 

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