Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Kells beach.๐Ÿ


Kells, land of my birth, catapulted back in time, submerged in waves of nostalgia. Myriad memories vying for my attention - swimming in the broad Atlantic, sharing swimsuits with my siblings (never enough to go around). Whirring of our Dad’s outboard engine as we watched his boat ‘Star of the sea’, (named after our Blessed Mother), glide away, soon to become a dot on the horizon. Poor Dad returning home again, many hours later, weary and ravenous for our Mom’s appetising much needed dinner. 

Sitting across from acclaimed author, Edna O’Brien at a barbecue on the beach one night, us children in awe of her stunning beauty, her presence. Bernadette Greevy’s amazing long black hair and bright red lipstick, opera singer extraordinaire, in awe of her stunning beauty and presence too. God rest her gentle soul.

Royalty in our simple childish minds, paragons of affluence living perfect lives without adversity. However, many years later we learn that our visitors oftentimes envied our simple uncomplicated way of life in this idyllic paradise. 

Turns out there is no such thing as a perfect life, the grass isn’t green, it is brown everywhere ๐Ÿคจ

‘You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending’. (C.S. Lewis)

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