Monday, February 15, 2021

Thank God I fell.☀️

‘Where you stumble, dig for treasure’ - an ancient adage in the spiritual tradition I read in my Lectio Divina. Inspiring wise words that fill my heart to overflowing with gratitude to God for my countless stumbles and timeless treasures gleaned in the rising.

A memory comes calling, innocent simple tale that spoke to my deepest heart over twenty years ago. Diarmuid, breathless, came bounding into the kitchen as I was preparing Sunday lunch. ‘Thank God I fell, Thank God I fell’, he exclaimed joyfully, unable and unwilling to stand still with delight. 

Turns out he was searching for his ‘Nottingham Forest’ jersey but to no avail. About to give up, he tripped over something and falling flat on the floor could see clearly his beloved jersey underneath his bunk bed. 

My little boy’s wise words jolted me making themselves felt in my spirit. Resonating deeply, they brought me comfort. Thank Go I fell - myriad times. 

Thank you Dearest Lord for picking me up every single time. You turn all things into good. From the rising of the sun to it’s setting, May the Holy Name of the Lord be praised and glorified. Amen.

‘Out of the mouths of Babes thou hast ordained strength’. (Psalm 8:2)

‘Where you stumble, that’s where you dig for treasure. It is in your weakness that you tend to find God’.   (Bishop Robert Barron)

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