Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Heart knows.❤️

Our sublime adventure over for now, Diarmuid must return to his own place. Spending valuable time with my boys individually extremely pleasant, hugely interesting, choc-full of surprises. Learning curve, immense privilege for each and every one of us. God’s amazing Grace.

Marina Sarah, exquisitely elegant with her walking aid at the main door of St.Anne’s, all three of us utterly thrilled with our first catch-up in the longest time. Meandering along deserted sidewalks under a gigantic moon, stopping to chat with friendly fun loving cat. No hurry, our time our own. Cooking comforting cuisine, praying Holy Rosary in Church.

Words don’t come easy, unfeasible to articulate momentous respite for us both. From the rising of the sun to it’s setting, we lived every minute. 

I love Cardinal Robert Sarah’s observation; ‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’. The heart knows.😀

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