Sunday, February 7, 2021

Jim Jim 🐈‍⬛

Ravenous, he consumed three sachets of food, gulped large dish of milk. Friendly, definitely not a wild one and when it began to rain he slithered under our shed’s broken door. He must have been living there for a while, he seemed quite ‘at home’. 

Flawless timing, Killian and I trying to enjoy our last lunch together before his Vancouver adventure. Sombre feast, black cloud hovering over our compact cottage. Feline visitor shifted our gaze, causing us grin from ear to ear. Much needed diversion!

Final walk for now by the river discussing names for our new tenant. Frank sounded about right, for no reason whatsoever. Almost back home again we meet Kim, looking extremely downcast - ‘I am searching for my cat’, she sighed. Yes, you guessed it, Frank’s real name is ‘Jim Jim’ and he is now safely home in the bosom of his loving family.

Thing is, Jim Jim changed everything for us this morning. After nearly a full year living together (thanks to Corona), Killian and I dreaded the final moments of our horrendous parting. God in His wonderful Mercy shone a light in our darkness, asking Jim Jim drop by and sup with us. Not meant to linger, Jim’s was an assignment from on-High which he accomplished with flying colours,.

Thankyou Father God, Your all-encompassing kindness and compassion never cease to amaze me. You can not be outdone in generosity, we are always safe in your loving arms.

‘From here on Lord, I want to forget myself and look only at how I can serve you and have no other desire than to do your Will’. (St. Teresa of Avila).

‘The time has come to spread your wings and leave the family nest.Your own way in the world to make. O may that way be blessed, with happiness and all success. This is my wish for you (Killian) 
that you’ll fulfil the highest hopes and reach the goal in view.
Write as often as you can and tell us how you fare. There’ll be problems and temptations all around you there - but never let your standards fall. Be good and straight and true - remembering Faith and trust in God that has been showered on you’. (Patience Strong)

(On top of all that Kill, may your big beautiful kind heart serve others and bring a sunshine smile to many a sad face).

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