Friday, February 5, 2021

Laughter is the best medicine.🥳

The unexpected pleasure sometimes gives more happiness than those that we have planned for many a day. An unexpected bit of fun is like a sudden flash of sun - a burst of brightness breaking through the grey’. (Patience Strong)

Reenroe beach, last one for quite a while. Last drive in the sleek red car too, Canada beckons. Beautiful bright rainy afternoon, water flowing gently over the wide expanse of sandy shore, lots of birds everywhere.

Vivid rainbow in the heavens taking my full attention and in giddy exhilaration, kerplunk!! I stepped into a deep pool, my boots filling with freezing water.  Should have been wearing my stout shoes! wise after the event.

That was our Blessing, in a split second laughter erupted shifting our gaze, letting us know that every season has to end for a new one to begin.

‘There’s a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven’. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Opening our hands start by loosening our grip and opening our hearts. Lumen Christi had entered.

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