Sunday, February 14, 2021

Mrs. O. 🌠

To the unaware eye, our cozy compact cottage just happened to be a few doors down from Eileen’s (Mrs.O) cozy compact cottage, but we both know in our deepest hearts that God’s perfect plan was in place from the very beginning, something so miraculous far exceeds the haphazard.

Our friendship steadfast, we recall at a moment’s notice hilarious incidents that make us choke with laughter. Merlot Sunday evenings as I would listen enthralled to her amazing ‘real life’ stories, jotting down bullet points so as not to forget. One night having no pen, I scribbled in text form and sent it to myself. Only I sent to our local taxi driver in error at 1.30AM. Poor man perplexed and a tiny bit vexed as I explained best I could.

Relating our innermost gems and jagged stones to one another always precious gift, still is, we both know they remain where they touch down. Sheltered safety in moments of sharing. 

Most days Mrs.O arrives at my window or I land at hers for daily chinwag. Twenty years of fun and freedom gone nowhere, all here safe and sound in our hearts. 

Scaffolded, totally untouchable in these Corona days of ‘Keeping our distance’.

‘Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ’. (Galatians 6:2)

        First ‘after Holy Mass’ tea in No.10 since Lockdowns began, almost two years ago. ☕️ ☕️ (Wednesday- 29/9/2021)

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