Thursday, January 18, 2024

Glistening day. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯Ά

‘You are being truly guided though not until you are content to be led as little children do you really live fully in the Kingdom of Heaven’. (Jesus/God calling)
Bitter cold as I crunched my way to bus-stop for 7.30 bus this morning. Guy de-icing his van accepted my prayer, highly amused but gratefully thrilled nonetheless. First of many prayers shared this day all glory and honour to our beautiful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
Somehow, I touched down in Tralee and not Killarney as planned (bus routes changed) but oh how divinely orchestrated that disruption was. Meant to be for sure.

Chat with young guy (mislaid his phone and money socialising last night). Thanking me profusely for helping him out, he held my prayer in his hand the whole time. ‘This is how God works’, I told him and then I added smiling: ‘But you must cop on you know’. Looking down for a moment he replied: ‘I know yea. I will pray this every morning. You’re a star’. (He only told me of his predicament because I asked if he would kindly look up bus times on his phone for my own predicament! Wonderful Holy Spirit always).

After that, strolling aimlessly along, (lady on crutches accepting two prayers), gloriously I found myself at the gates of magnificent St. John’s Church and 10AM Holy Mass. I wanted to dance for joy and I probably did! (My original plan 10AM Holy Mass in Killarney Friary). Our God will never be outdone in generosity. Killarney is my place to go, Tralee way beyond my comfort zone.

After Holy Mass sad lady from India sitting alone, her mind racing with many cares. What a privilege to share with her, much needed wisdom, wonderful Holy Spirit imparted to me on a day when my mind was racing too: ‘My Grace is with you right now’. Not in the past, not in the future but RIGHT NOW!,

Another dear lady loving my prayer so much, requested one hundred copies to distribute amongst our precious young folk. Earlier she took ten and was astonished how quickly they were accepted. She kindly offered payment but no need!! Our young folk are so open to the good, the true and the beautiful whatever our current culture might like us to believe.

Thrilled to catch up with Mary when I did eventually arrive back in Killarney. Homeless guy told us he was awfully cold (no surprise there!) so we went to Dunnes Stores and got him warm blanket and big cozy cushion. However, when we returned with our goods, sadly he had taken up his bed and walked. Poor man probably did not understand we would return. Dunnes Stores busy too so perhaps he got fed up waiting in the cold. He did not leave empty handed though! My powerful prayer is in his pocket.

I chatted with heartbroken lady from Pakistan. She gave me her mobile number. Forlorn, living in overcrowded refugee centre, her husband divorced her and now she is an asylum seeker in a strange land. I offered her my newly purchased cozy cushion but she graciously adamantly refused.

Tomorrow I will contact her. Peaceful sleep now, thank you God.

What a day!! St. Francis of Assisi quote comes to mind: ‘We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way’. 

Tea and scones in the Royal Hotel.🍰
                                                                     Love trying on hats 🎩 

I don’t know Tralee at all and yet wonderful Father God made sure I arrived here, right on time for beautiful Holy Mass. My day was nothing I planned but everything I loved!!

‘The soul hungers for God and nothing but God can satiate it. Therefore He came to dwell on earth and assumed a Body in order that this Body might become the Food of our souls’. 
(St. John Vianney)

Friary comforting CribπŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ»

‘Look out, Look out, Jack Frost is about! He’s after our fingers and toes…..’.(Cecily E. Pyke)
                                       ☀️Dearly loved poem from my childhood days in the sunny long ago.

                                                                 My powerful prayerπŸ™πŸ»☀️

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