Saturday, January 20, 2024

Love and Mercy☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘If you wish to go to extremes, let it be in sweetness, patience, humility and charity’. (St. Philip Neri)
He accepted my prayer with a smile. I could never have guessed his plight. After a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to decipher bus times I asked him if he would please Google them for me. ‘I can’t, I’m sorry’, he said. ‘I lost my phone and other stuff last night’. He seemed more upset about the fact that he could not come to my assistance than his own predicament. Smashing guy. 

My request enlightening, thus enabling me to lend him a helping hand in his hour of need. I could truthfully share with him too that all of us fall but we can always rise again and do better. No blame, no shame. He gave me a big hug and promised to pray my prayer every morning. I think he will!!

This morning I awoke with one of my favourite Bible stories, ‘The woman at the well’  vividly on my heart and mind. (John 4:5-30). Somehow it ties in with my ‘google guy’ tale. Jesus request for a drink changed everything for the Samaritan lady. He did not judge her. He did not tell her to get her act together before they could talk. Jesus simply loved her and His Love spurred her on to do better. 

My beautiful Dad loved like Jesus loves. He taught me so much.

‘We need to be reminded often of the goodness of God and His mercy, so that, when the day is ended, we may come to Him without fear’. (Catherine Doherty)

Yesterday, when I offered this cozy cushion which I purchased for freezing homeless man (who had moved away by the time I returned) to young couple expecting their first baby, they told me that they really needed a cozy cushion right now to help young pregnant lady be more comfortable while sleeping. God’s ways are not ours!

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