Monday, January 15, 2024

Unvarnished clarity☀️

‘Do ordinary things with extraordinary love’. (St. Mother Teresa)

I thought perhaps I would call a halt to my blog, in fact I was adamant, believing it to be pretty pointless and repetitive. My snap decision surprised me though, loving writing like I do. However, now I know negativity never comes from God. Thank you Killian for inspiring me to continue. Wonderful Holy Spirit speaking powerfully into my life through you as He has done on many occasions before.

Myriad amazing prayer-sharing encounters since I last put pen to paper!!

Young helpful guy serving in shop uttered ‘A prayer. Thank God!’. His friend adding: ‘We appreciate it’. Obviously both of them in some bother. Young people always pleased when I add: ‘I’m just a grandmother who loves to share a prayer’. Grandparents are important to our young folk. Let us act accordingly!!

Gentleman, war survivor, accepting my prayer asking if I would please speak to his wife on his phone. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy. I loved telling her what God continues to do in my life. 

Elegant lady in Church thrilled to receive my prayer and after chatting we both realised that one time many years ago, both of us attended the same secondary school and were in the same class. I could easily recall her, blond, beautiful, red high shoes. She, on the other hand, bore no memory of me whatsoever and little wonder! Mousy brown hair and no high shoes!! 
I could tell her truthfully that she was always and all days, beautiful both inside and out and oftentimes, up and down the long years I had wondered and even asked after her.
We will remain in touch now and all thanks to my powerful prayer.

Guy who’s business burned to the ground told me that ‘only prayer’ could bring his business back again. Of course I happened to have a prayer in my pocket.

Lady in London joyfully received my prayer in the post today. She would like some more to share with friends. It is no secret what our God can do!

Delivery guy (his day begins at 4AM!) replied: ‘Go on then’ and after reading my prayer could only utter: ‘This is beautiful’ many times. Shocked!! ‘I’m just a grandmother who shares a prayer’, I told him. Both of us smiling.
Four ladies from different parts of the continent of Africa sang at Holy Mass in our Church last Friday morning and hope to continue every Friday morning while they reside in our town. Extremely moving for us all. 

Every single thing is God’s doing. I know this with absolute certainty. I will go on writing because I wish with all my heart that everyone would know the mighty goodness of our God. Every single day I witness wonderful happenings right before my very eyes. Divinely orchestrated healing moments.

The yield of doing what we are meant to be doing, is sheer joy!

‘No one but myself can give my heart to God or do my work’. (Mgr. Alfred O’Rahilly)

‘Prayer gives us peace because it puts us in contact with the God of peace’. (Susan Conroy)

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