Sunday, January 28, 2024

Simple beauty.☀️

‘I ever possess and take with me everywhere, the God of my heart and the heart of my God’. 
(St. Margaret Mary)

‘We are all out of laminating pouches, maybe try Mr. Price’, young sales assistant in Newsagents told me after Holy Mass this morning. ‘Ohhh but I don’t drive’, I replied referring to the wind and torrential rain outside. With that, young guy waiting in line simply said: ‘ I can give you a lift’. ‘Thank you so much’, I replied, ‘but I don’t know you’. ‘I understand’, he replied. 

I gifted him my prayer and perhaps one of my most amazing prayer-sharing encounters came to pass right there. He told me he hadn’t prayed in a long time but now he would be keeping my prayer in his pocket. I told him about a young guy, Fionn, who told me the very same thing while accepting my prayer a few months ago and my reply at that time: ‘I can’t tell you nothing will be wrong but you will be strong’. (Wonderful Holy Spirit whispered it as we chatted).

‘I like that’, said Finn. (Finn and Fionn!). About to go our separate ways when, Aidan, shop assistant, came out to tell me that he had actually just found a packed of laminating pouches.  

In that brief bright interlude - generous Finn got my powerful prayer and definitely some food for thought. I got my laminating pouches (‘all weather’ powerful prayers) and an uplifted heart. Kindly shop assistant Aiden got my powerful prayer too. No one came away empty handed! Our God can not be outdone in generosity!

‘Serendipity?’, wondered Finn. ‘God’s work’, I replied, ‘all of it, and your random act of kindness set the whole happy affair in motion on this wet and windy day’.

‘If you get simple beauty and nought else, you get about the best thing that God invents’.                 (Robert Browning)

Today’s encounter truly emboldens me to keep on keeping on. Last Friday a young girl told me as she accepted my prayer: ‘I admire you’. To be a prayer-sharing grandmother is my vocation from God’s Holy Hands. Without Him, I would have given up long ago,  thereby missing out on oh so much.

Most Holy Trinity I adore you. My God, my God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament. Amen.

                                                I love Dorothy Day. (The reckless way of Love)

                                                      My powerful ‘all weather’ prayer.🙏🏻

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