Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Stormy weather⛈️

‘Remember that you have one soul, that you have one death to die, that you have one life which is short and can be lived by you and you alone. There is one Glory which is eternal. If you do this there will be many things about which you care nothing’. (St. Teresa of Avila)
He and another guy working on the footpaths as I made my way to Holy Mass this morning. Shocked, I asked how they could possibly work outdoors on this stormy rainy grey day: ‘When you’re a dog you must bark’, he replied. Ouch! I asked if he would like a beautiful morning prayer. ‘A prayer!! I’ll give it to him (other working guy). ‘No it is for you’, I replied telling him that my prayer goes to whoever Holy Spirit wishes would have it. He smiled, placing it in his pocket. ‘Don’t give it away’, I shouted back to him as I darted off. ‘I won’t’, he replied meaning every word.

After Holy Mass lady told me that twenty three years ago today her beautiful son was killed. ‘Today is really tough’, she said. Moving encounter. I shared with her that tough days are always followed by huge outpourings of Grace and comfort. That’s what our God is like. She nodded in agreement.

I told her too how much I love that every nighttime my whole day slips seamlessly into God’s Holy Hands. No point or need for me to dwell on any of it. God has all my stuff, every single thing. Dear lady laughed: ‘Oh my dear, God has all our stuff’. Then she uttered, visibly brighter: ‘I feel better now’. God’s amazing Grace.

Ukrainian lady too received my prayer as we struggled to understand one another. Joy-filled encounter. 

Thing is, none of those encounters could have taken place only that yesterday, wonderful Holy Spirit put in my heart to sit at other end of Church today and every Tuesday for now. On all other days I sing, Millie sings on Tuesdays.

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary beautiful beyond words as always. New guy Mick received my prayer and Mother Mary Rosary beads. Amazing that!! Definitely God-incidence.

On way home, tired and blown about, lady, new in town, rang my phone. She simply needed to hear my voice. All is well with her thank God. I really do get to spend time with the nicest of folk.

Had I realised that a weather-warning was firmly in place today, most likely I would have remained indoors, thereby missing out on all the above and so much more. What a mighty God we serve!

‘We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God’. (St. Frances de Sales)

‘My past O Lord to Your mercy. My present to Your love. My future to Your Divine providence’.                (St. Pio)

                                                     Jesus beautiful words in ‘God calling’ πŸ“• 

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