Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Nothing but God☀️

‘The Glory of God is a person fully alive’, (St. Iraneaus)
I answered the phone in Church office and young lady at other end told me that she and her fiancée planned to be wed and wondered if a particular date was available to them. Turns out it was and young lady simply could not contain her joy, totally ecstatic. I was so tempted to blurt out the tune: ‘Congratulations and celebrations…’ but of course I could not. Highly inappropriate in that moment. Oftentimes though, since that day, I so wished I had, inappropriate or not!

Roll on many months and on my way from St. Anne’s Holy Rosary young radiant lady saluted me with the brightest smile. ‘Who are you’, I asked and when she told me her name I could have fallen out of my stand. ‘Are you getting married soon’, I asked. ‘Yes’, she replied beaming. ‘I’m the person you spoke with on that day’, I told her. She graciously assured me that even though I did not sing, she really got the sense that I was super happy for them both. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would meet up. Divinely inspired encounter for sure.

Accepting my prayer, one for her fiancée too, she told me: ‘I like your medals (Holy Cross, Miraculous medal and St. Benedict medal I wear on a chain around my neck) I love Jesus, too’. Delightful young lady full of Life and Light of Christ.

Flamboyant lady wearing eye-catching hat joyfully accepted my prayer in Church. As we parted, having enjoyed scintillating conversation, she added: ‘This is what life is all about, you know. Chatting with folk, being open. Not keeping our heads down, stuck in our own small little life and wondering on our death bed; “What was that all about?”.  

I walked to Aldi in the pouring rain for food for my ever increasing number of hungry visiting cats. On way back home again, saturated, about to walk by Church but of course I can never not drop by and say hello to Jesus in Holy Tabernacle. Downcast lady sitting there alone accepted my prayer. I am so glad this night that I did not walk by. I am so glad I will never walk by while I have breath in my body. 

Reminding me this minute of one time I told Killian (9 yrs. then) that Jesus can never be left alone during Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament. Killian in true childlike honesty and kindness chirped up: ‘Why not? Isn’t He here all night on His own anyway’.

‘In this life no one can fulfil his longing, nor can any creature satisfy man’s desire. Only God satisfies, He infinitely exceeds all other pleasures. That is why man can rest in nothing but God’.                                (St. Thomas Aquinas)

                                                         Pause, ponder and praise God🐈‍⬛

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