Sunday, January 21, 2024

If I can help somebody.πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»

When I read the above this morning (I love Dorothy Day), I was immediately catapulted back to last evening after Holy Mass. God-incidence! Chatting, dear lady from faraway land and I. She mentioned her family and how she misses them and then suddenly she exclaimed: ‘Oh I feel so much better after worship’. I could tell her truthfully that I do too!! Oftentimes I head into Holy Mass heavy hearted but every single time I emerge, rejuvenated, refuelled, and light as a feather. All glory to God.

When said lady arrived in our country a few weeks ago, heartbroken and full of fear she told God: ‘You have brought me here to this place Father God. I know You will mind me. Only You and me now God. There is no one else’. 

Inspirational lady! Father God holding her and her’s in the palm of His Hand and of that she is quite certain. Again I could tell her truthfully that He holds me and mine too in the palm of His Hand. Of that I too am quite certain. All glory to God.

What a mighty God we serve! Allelulia. 

God-incidence! When this dear lady (just arrived this week) received pretty cozy cardigan, smiling like a thousand suns she uttered: ‘My country’s colours’. (Nigeria). (I did not know!)

Storm raging as I walk home from Holy Mass today and poor guy asleep in a tiny tent. First time to witness such a sight in our town. Thank God, tonight he is safe and warm. He also has my powerful prayer and is totally besotted with beautiful colourful Rosary Beads. He has not left them out of his hand. Another young guy lost and alone in a strange land. 
‘If I can help somebody, as I travel along, then my living shall not be in vain’. (Alma Bazel Androzzo)

‘I ask God in a simple prayer to “loaves-and-fishes-me”. It may not be a grammatically correct prayer, but the childlike plea never goes unanswered. 
This prayer asks the following of God:
 Multiply me, amplify my energy and my efforts, expand my wisdom and capacity to serve and make me a conduit of Your Love. When my offering is combined with God’s abundance and limitless capacity, there is more than enough to go around. Best of all, I am not spent or drained. I can take the fragments of my leftovers and have sufficient energy for self-care, for gratitude, for creativity and for fun. 
I am able to do without sacrificing my ability to be’, (Kristin Armstrong)

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