Thursday, February 1, 2024

Beauty from ashes☀️πŸ™πŸ»

 ‘Do you fancy tea’, I asked Ann after Holy Mass. ‘Yes if you have time’, she replied. Off we went to cozy cafe and before we ordered anything I made it clear that it would be my treat. When she protested I calmly told Ann; ‘my idea, my treat’.

Wonderful sharing as always and so we got up from our table. Making my way to the till someone spoke to me. By the time I got to the till poor Ann had paid the bill. Even though we laughed I did not feel good!

One thing renews another!! Many years ago when I first purchased our compact cottage and funds were at an all time low, dear friends and I met up in a favourite pub. ‘I will get my own’, I declared to all. ‘Money scarce right now’. Everyone understood totally, they all knew well my situation.. However, when I looked in my bag, to my horror no wallet! ‘Sorry I forgot my wallet. Can anyone buy me a drink’, I sheepishly uttered. Would I ever live that down!

To this day Carmel and I laugh about it. My ‘no’ wallet after declaring my stance to all and sundry, never gets old.

This morning I rang Ann and told her how poor I feel about it all. Most gracious as always, dear Ann uttered: ‘If this is all we worry about today, then we are rich indeed’.

I forwarded her two beautiful pieces from ‘God calling’ - beautiful wisdom from Jesus hugely relevant to our conversation right now.

Beauty from ashes!!

‘We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose’. (Romans 8:28)

Another tale comes to mind:

Eminent Cardinal striding up the Church aisle to address the waiting congregation, his gown swishing as he went. Auspicious occasion, complete silence. However, when he began to speak, words did not flow as they always did. In fact he could think of nothing whatsoever worthwhile to expound upon.

Deeply embarrassed poor man walked back down the aisle, this time his head lowered.

In the sacristy sat an elderly priest in prayer. ‘What happened to me Father’, asked eminent Cardinal. ‘I feel so humiliated’.

Elderly Father, smiling kindly, replied: ‘Perhaps had you walked up the way you came down…….

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