Wednesday, February 7, 2024

That’s life๐ŸŒŸ

Our teacher was expounding on The Most Holy Trinity and then, without warning pointed to me: ‘Do you understand’, she asked. ‘No’, I replied, full of fear. ‘Correct answer’, she exclaimed to my utter relief. Mystery can only be entered into, never understood.

Tonight, the above memory from sixty years ago, danced into my heart, as I listened to brilliant Bishop Barron’s wise words on the Most Holy Trinity: (YouTube)

‘We pray to the Father as though the Son has His arm around our shoulder because the Father sent the Son into our own humanity, into our sin and death. The Son now helps us to pray to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the love that connects the Father and the Son. In this prayer, the Son’s arm around my shoulder directed to the Father is a prayer in the Holy Spirit. I’ve been drawn into the dynamics of the love between the Father and the Son. God has opened up the Trinitarian life and includes us in it’.

What an insightful image. Totally glorious. Definitely worth waiting sixty years plus for!

On my way home from Holy Mass this morning, I visited with an endearing elderly couple. We sat chatting and after a while elderly gentleman just looked at me smiling and uttered: ‘You will have no trouble getting into Heaven, Bridget’. Wow! Never before has anyone ever in this world told me something so beautiful.

Later, young guy (asylum seeker) from Algeria and myself chatting about all things ‘Life’. ‘I love simplicity’, I told him. ‘Do you?’. ‘Why not’, he replied, laughing merrily as if to say ‘Is there any other kind of life worth living?’. 

This evening my supreme privilege taking Holy Eucharist to a dear lady. Walking with Jesus coz He knows the way.

‘Just as one candle lights another and can light thousands of other candles, so one heart illuminates another heart and can illuminate thousands of other hearts’. (Leo Tolstoy)

Bus times having radically changed, (local-link on the scene now), I rang the bus company re my trip to Cork. Pleasant lady asked who I would be visiting. ‘How strange’, I thought to myself but went on to tell her the bus I planned to catch. Again she asked politely: ‘Who will you be visiting’. Turns out I had rang a ‘Care Home’  far away from my home county. Good to laugh.

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