Friday, February 2, 2024

Random act of kindness ☀️

Killian, on his way to his place of work, stopped to greet the old man sitting alone on the cold sidewalk. He gifted him five dollar coins (all the change he had in his pocket), my powerful prayer and Medugorje Rosary bracelet. After walking on a few yards, Killian stood and looked back. What he witnessed was beautiful!

Old man firstly counted his coins before placing them in a pocket. Next he prayed the prayer before placing it in another pocket. Lastly he put Medugorje bracelet on his wrist twirling it about for a moment in pure admiration.

Then, getting up from the cold ground, old man stood tall for a moment before setting off on his merry way.

‘It was class’, shared Killian.

Killian and homeless old man both changed each others day for the better in one fell swoop. Random act of kindness more powerful than the atomic bomb. Real happiness comes from only that!!

As for me! Just to know that my powerful prayer laminated in deepest Kerry is now in that old man’s pocket in Downtown Vancouver!! Well, how cool is that!!

‘Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers’. (Khalil Gibran)

This pretty stone sits on my friend Tanye’s desk in Kyiv. I gifted it to her when she was a refugee in our town for a while. How cool is that?
‘Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart’. (Psalm 37:4)

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